Monday, November 17, 2008

What Fats You Should??

- Use a variety of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils and margarines.
- Including those made from canola, olive, sunflower, soybean and peanut.
- Use spray oils that are olive or canola-based.

- Use a variety of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils and margarines spread.

3) Deep-frying
- Not recommended by The Heart Foundation

4) Salad Dressing
- Use sunflower, canola, olive, peanut, macadamia, sesame or grapeseed oils.

5) Shallow / pan / stir-frying
- A variety of oils are suitable including all those listed above

What Is a FATS??

We need fat for energy and to absorb vitamins A, D, E and K and carotenoids. Here’s how to understand what fats are what:


A fatty substance produced naturally by the body and found in our blood. LDL cholesterol cloys arteries and leads to heart disease, while HDL cholesterol helps to uncly blood vessels


Help to lower blood cholesterol if your meals are low in saturated fats


Raise blood cholesterol


Help to lower blood cholesterol if your meals are low in saturated fats


Same like saturated fats to raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol

• The terms “saturated” and “unsaturated” refer to the type of molescules in the fat. Saturated molecules have all their bonds used up, so they are more rigin and stable. Unsaturated molecules have some open bonds resulting in a more reactive, liquid oil.

Reference: Courtesy Heart Foundation.

Percaya Tak : Ada Pengganti Minyak Hitam Kenderaan??

Dalam situasi ekonomi dunia yang tidak tentu, harga minyak hitam telah meningkat naik. Ini telah membebankan pengguna yang mempunyai kenderaan samada kenderaan berat atau kenderaan ringan keran aminyak hitam ibarat darah yang menggerakkan sesuatu kenderaan

Namun, terdapat segelintir pengguna yang telah menemui alternatif yang berguna bagi mengatasi masalah penyelenggaraan minyak hitam bagi kenderaan mereka.Mereka telah menggantikan minyak hitam yang sedia ada dipasaran dengan menggunakan minyak masak yang berteraskan kelapa sawit. Perbandingan harga amat ketara dimana sebungkus minyak masak hanya dapat diperolehi sekitar RM 2 sahaja berbanding harga runcit minyak hitam yang berharga RM90 keatas. Mereka juga hanya perlu membelinya di kedai runcit dan pasar biasa sahaja.

Menurut Nik Safian Afzani Omar, Pengurus Pemasaran Sekolah Golf Micheal Ismail, yang mana telah menggunakan minyak masak berteraskan kelapa sawit sebagai ganti minyak hitam kereta Kancilnya, katanya, suhu enjin keretanya sangat rendah dan meter suhu tidak pernah melebihi dari satu takuk. Ini membuktikan bahawa penggunaan minyak masak sebagai amat berkesan dan praktikal.

Bagi seorang pencipta alat penjimat minyak berasaskan gas hydrogen dan air, Hisham Abdullah, berkata, minyak kelapa sawit merupakan minyak yang paling sintetik, tetapi kita tidak tahu mengenainya. Beliau adalah bekas jurutera sebuah syarikat Jepun dan merupakan graduan ekonomi dan kejuruteraan Universiti Arkansas, Amerika Syarikat, telah menggunakan minyak masak sebagai ganti minyak hitam selama lebih satu tahun dan tidak ada kesan negatif pada kereta Proton Iswaranya.

Manakala seorang mekanik, Mohd Tajudin Jalil, amat mengesyorkan pengguna lain menggunakan minyak masak berteraskan kelapa sawit selepas dia bertemu dengan pakar minyak luar negara bagi mengetahui rahsia minyak masak ini. Beliau telah menggunakan minyak ini sejak 2 tahun lepas. Nasihatnya kepada pengguna yang baru agar menukar gasket yang berkualiti terlebih dahulu sebelum menggunakan minyak masak berteraskan kelapa sawit ini.

Sangat menakjubkan!! Ini membuktikan bahawa kelapa sawit mempunyai manfaat dan faedah yang sangat besar. Ia bukan sahaja dapat menjimatkan wang malah penggunaannya lebih mesra alam. Untuk maklumat lanjut sila layari ataupun Mile Facts.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Music Good For Heart

This is summary research by a team at the University of Maryland School of Medicine :

- they had found it helpful to maintaining a healthy heart.

- shown for the first time the emotions aroused by music enjoyed by listener to be beneficial to a healthy blood vessel function.

- testing to 10 volunteers, healthy and non-smoking that they had listening music..they gave a sense of joy cause the inner-lining tissues of blood vessels to expand, which increased blood flow.

- also when listening favourite music, it gave a some enjoyable and get an extra boost of whatever emotion was being generated.

- in a physiological impact that gave an affect the activity of the "feel good" brain chemicals called endordhins according to the study.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Five Pillar of Islam

1) The Muslim Profession of Faith (Shahada)

The Shahada is the Muslim profession of faith and the first of the ‘Five Pillars’ of Islam. The word shahada in Arabic means ‘testimony.’ The shahada is to testify to two things:

(a) Nothing deserves worship except God (Allah).

(b) Muhammad is the Messenger of God (Allah).

A Muslim is simply one who bears witness and testifies that “nothing deserves worship except God and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” One becomes a Muslim by making this simple declaration.

2) The Prayer (Salah)

Salah is the daily ritual prayer enjoined upon all Muslims as one of the five Pillars of Islam. It is performed five times a day by all Muslims. Salah is a precise worship, different from praying on the inspiration of the moment. Muslims pray or, perhaps more correctly, worship five times throughout the day:

· Between first light and sunrise.

· After the sun has passed the middle of the sky.

· Between mid-afternoon and sunset.

· Between sunset and the last light of the day.

· Between darkness and midnight

3) Compulsary Charity (Zakat)

In Arabic it is known as zakat which literally means “purification”, because zakat is considered to purify one’s heart of greed. Love of wealth is natural and it takes firm belief in God for a person to part with some of his wealth. Zakat must be paid on different categories of property — gold, silver, money; livestock; agricultural produce; and business commodities — and is payable each year after one year’s possession. It requires an annual contribution of 2.5 percent of an individual’s wealth and assets.

4) The Fast of Ramadan

“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may develop God-consciousness.” (Quran 2:183)

5) The Pilgrimage (Hajj)

The Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is the fifth of the fundamental Muslim practices and institutions known as the five pillars of Islam. Pilgrimage is not undertaken in Islam to the shrines of saints, to monasteries for help from holy men, or to sights where miracles are supposed to have occurred, even though we may see many Muslims do this. Pilgrimage is made to the Kaaba, found in the sacred city of Mecca in Saudia, the ‘House of God,’ whose sanctity rests in that the Prophet Abraham built it for the worship of God. God rewarded him by attributing the House to himself, in essence honoring it, and by making it the devotional epicenter which all Muslims face when offering the prayers (salah). The rites of pilgrimage are performed today exactly as did by Abraham, and after him by Prophet Muhammad, may God praise them.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

About Baby Names in Islam

It's always a joy when Allah blesses you with a child. Children bring happiness and joy, but also trials and great responsibilities. One of the very first duties you have toward your new child, besides physical care and love, is to give your child a name that carries honor and Islamic meaning behind it.

It is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "On the Day of Resurrection, you will be called by your names and by your fathers' names, so give yourselves good names." (Hadith Abu Dawud)

Remember, just because a name stems from a certain language or culture, doesn't mean that it has a good Islamic meaning.

Several of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) changed their own Arabic names, because the meanings of their names connoted wickedness. For example, someone named Harb ("war") had his name changed to Silm ("peace"), and one named Al-Munba'ith ("one who lies") became Al-Mudtaji' ("one who stands up," i.e. for the truth).

For more on Muslim names:

Boy's Names

1. Daiyan--------(hakim, pengira, pembalas)
2. Dhamiri-------(hati kecilku, jiwaku)
3. Hafiy----------(yang memuliakan)
4. Jazli-----------(yang fasih)
5. Khairulaman--(sebaik-baik manusia)
6. Muhsin-------(yang membuat kebaikan dan ihsan)
7. Wafiy---------(yang setia)
8. Ziyad---------(pertambahan, kelebihan)
9. Abdul Mu'iz---(hamba Allah yang menghormati lagi memuliakan)
10. Zulqarnain---(nama seorang raja)

Girl's Names

1. Almas---------(berlian)
2. Bisyarah------(berita gembira)
3. Filzah---------(belahan jiwa)
4. Ibtisam-------(senyuman)
5. Khadhraa'-----(kesuburan, kehijauan)
6. Layyinah------(yang lemah lembut)
7. Qurratul'ain---(penyejuk mataku, penghibur hatiku)
8. Samraa'-------(yang hitam manis)
9. Syaza---------(keharuman)
10. Wardiah-----(nama bunga ros)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Why are only Muslims allowed to visit the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia?

Mecca and Madinah are cities of great importance in Islamic tradition -- centers of pilgrimage and prayer, sacred places where Muslims are free from the distractions of daily life. The ban on non-Muslim visitors is mentioned in the Qur’an as follows: "Oh you who believe! Truly the idolaters are unclean; so let them not, after this year, approach the Sacred Mosque...." (9:28). 

This verse specifically refers to the Grand Mosque in Mecca; later scholars have included Madinah in this ruling as well. There are some Islamic scholars who would permit exceptions to this general rule, for trade purposes or for people who are under treaty permission. There is also some debate about the exact area and borders of the restricted area(s). The government of Saudi Arabia, which controls access to the holy sites, has decided upon a strict ban on both cities in their entirety.

Restricting access to Mecca and Madinah is intended to provide a place of peace and refuge for Muslim believers and preserve the sanctity of the holy cities. At this time, millions of Muslims visit the cities each year, and additional tourist traffic would simply add to the congestion and detract from the spirituality of the pilgrimage visit. 

The Amazing Vitamin of Potato!!

Percentage of Recommended Daily Allowances provided by one average potato:

Vitamin C---45%



Vitamin B6---14%


Panthothenic Acid---6%




The Nutritional Facts of Banana

The banana is nourishing, does not contain fat, and can be eaten at every hour of the day because of its digestive properties. The banana holds 23% of hydrocarbonate for 0,2% of fat. The cholesterol level is 0,00%; a 100 grams of banana has as low calories as a 100 grams of yoghurt with fruit.

The banana is full of proteins , and the sugar provided gives a lot of energy to those practising sports requiring endurance. Moreover, it contains magnesium, selenium, iron, a lot of vitamines, and is recommended for salt-free diets because of its low contents in sodium chloridium.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


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